Covering BioMed SA’s 9th Annual Julio Palmaz Award Banquet – presenting to Dr. Francisco Cigarroa

The Julio Palmaz Award for Innovation in Healthcare and the Biosciences was launched in San Antonio by BioMed SA, a non-profit corporation founded in 2005 to help grow and promote the city’s thriving healthcare and bioscience sector. The award honors individuals who have made significant contributions to advances in these fields. Dr. Palmaz accepted the first award, named in his honor, at BioMed SA’s…

Lowe Pro Roller case handle fix / repair / replacement

Just made a video for the repair /replacement  of the wheels: I’ve been a LowePro fan for a long time as you can see by my collection below.  They get a lot of hard use and even though I take good care of them, things just tend to wear out after years of service. In a previous post I demonstrated how to repair the…

I Like my Juice Orange but my Light White – Let’s Go CTO

I’m not sure if it’s an architectural standard for hotel conference areas but it seems most Marriott Hotels in the area use a very low color temperature lighting system.  It’s probably energy efficient but it makes it difficult to get a good color balance when the lights are so dim and particularly in some configurations where there is no stage lighting. The last conference…